
Showing posts from 2017

Practicing Teacher Criteria

Practising Teacher Criteria Introduction Overarching statements Criteria and key indicators Professional relationships and professional values Professional knowledge in practice Introduction The Practising Teacher Criteria describe the criteria for quality teaching that are to be met by all fully certificated teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Practising Teacher Criteria recognise that teaching is a highly complex activity, drawing on repertoires of knowledge, practices, professional attributes and values to facilitate academic, social and cultural learning for diverse education settings. The criteria and indicators should be viewed as interdependent and overlapping. Overarching statements Teachers play a critical role in enabling the educational achievement of all ākonga/ learners 1 . The Treaty of Waitangi extends equal status and rights to Māori and Pākehā. This places a particular responsibility on all teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand to promote equita...

My Inquiry 2018

Inquiry 2018 Achievement Challenge Improve the achievement of students with additional needs in the learning areas of English /key competency using language symbols and texts Inquiry 2018 My inquiry for 2018 is to Improve the achievements of students (Years 7-10) in terms English proficiency through using language symbols and text in Graphics and Technology. Allow my students to use the terminology words in everyday basis or write them in google docs. Thanks to Karen Ferguson for the graphic design. Manaiakalani CoL : Teaching Inquiry Framework

Using task list and tracking sheet in DVC

  I started using the task list last year to track my students learning. Since the beginning of this year I used it to all my classes as tool of monitoring individual students progress. Using color coding it help the students to motivate in each given tasks. I broadcast to the whole class so students aware of what they are working. I found it useful in terms of follow up students and guide in marking. Before I started using tracking sheet, its hard for me to find the sequence or to connect the previous work to present learning task. Now It's much easy for me to track student's progress. Student's Achievement improves compare before I started using the tracking sheet.

My Inquiry 2017

My Inquiry 2017  will be focus on utilizing the digital approach in teaching and learning process, students are able to share documents, access google site as following the instruction of day to day learning activities. Using the provided student task list we're able to monitor the individual achievements.  here the link